Name: Hardin Cromwell Race: Human Class: Sword and Shield Warrior Appearance: A handsome man in his own "wandering adventurer" way. His head is dominated by unkempt shoulder length hair that takes on the color of brown bark and is usually left to the wind. In addition his eyes are almost always locked in a steely gaze, only softening when alcohol is involved or when a true friend is involved. Hardin's nose has a slight bump to it, obviously from a break, however it does little to detract from its strong profile while his lips are fairly thin and are usually pressed in a line save for the occasional smirk. Hardin has many battle scars from his adventures, little things that aren't worth much talk but add to his overall look but there is a large burn scar on his back that starts from the middle of his back to just under his right ear. Beyond that he is fairly normal, standing at about 6'2 and a heavy build from years of physical exertion. [hider=Arms/Armor][img][/img][/hider] Personality: A wanderer, never really staying in one place long. Because of that he is a little guarded in concern to others as he has never had a reason to open up. However he is loyal to any cause he pledges himself to and his time on the road has lead him to develop a dry wit, a taste for ale, and the company of strong women. Backstory: Orphaned during the blight, raised by a widowed soldier, and breaking out on his own on his 19th birthday. Hardin has traveled across Ferelden in search of purpose, drifting from expeditions to mercenary group. He has seen horrors and wonders, fought dragons, scoured ruins, killed bandits, and cleared man taverns. Anyone who tries to pry too far gets stern look and a cold shoulder, especially if you ask about the scar upon his back. Skills: - Shield Wall - Payback Strike - Shield Bash - Grappling Chain - Horn of Valor