Five men sat in a small, white, room illuminated by white ceiling lights and multiple monitors situated at various terminals. However one man stood in a black business suit. The large monitors showed various angles and data readouts on a particular figure, only one monitor was absolutely dedicated to numbers. The data monitor showed various statistics, power levels, and other data the scientists would record and study for later. The man in the black suit began to speak up. "Are you sure the speed function actually works this time?" A scientist with a slight beard responded. "Yes, I tested it in my lab personally." "Then let's see how it preforms in 'battle'." The suited man said while making air quotes. Speaking into a connected microphone the scientist this time addressed their subject. "Overdrive, you may begin when you receive the signal. As you may have noticed we've set up multiple cardboard targets so we don't have a repeat of last time, your goal is remove all the civilians from the area and 'apprehend' the terrorist. Keep in mind if you pass we'll finally be able to unveil you." [color=00aeef]"I understand Dr. Smith."[/color] The robot answered back, some of the screens back in the monitor room began to transcribe the previous conversation. Overdrive himself was in an significantly larger area, an 'abandoned' warehouse built specifically for his testing. The warehouse itself looked brand new, but inside were a multitude of empty cargo containers, cardboard figures spread around the area, and 'innocents'. In a few moments after the Doctor's last transition red letters showed up in Overdrive's view, the letters read '[color=ed1c24]Ready[/color]' then proceeded into a count down from five. As the timer dinged '0' a small puff of steam pushed itself out of his back, and in a moment that's all there was left of Overdrive as he took off. Overdrive left blurred streams of red and blue in his after wake. His first goal would be to gather all 'people' and put them in the safe box, a taped off corner of the warehouse, and then 'subdue' or break the cardboard men; while anyone could do this, Overdrive was being timed. His metal pattered rapidly against the cement flooring, leaving slight footprints after every other step, the safe box quickly filled up in a matter of seconds. Returning to the false terrorists Overdrive promptly dug his fists into each one, causing the wooden fakes to explode into a million splinters. With his mission done Overdrive simply stood motionless in front of the warehouse doors. [color=00aeef]"Was this demonstration satisfactory Doctor?"[/color] Overdrive asked, his voice seemed to carry some eagerness. Back in the monitor lab multiple scientists were typing away at their keyboards or writing down numbers, equations, and various other notes. "Yes, thank you Overdrive. Wait for the company vehicle to pick you up, we don't want to unveil you quite yet." Dr. Smith responded via microphone. This time directing his head to the man in the suit the doctor spoke up again. "He clocked in at 338 m/s, just under the speed of sound. With some adjustments I think I can improve that slightly, but he's already far faster than we anticipated." Turning his chair around he continued. "So, what do you think Mr. Hannon?" "I think I want it faster. They say there's always a bigger fish, I want him to be that fish." Hannon said as he left for the door. "I barely managed to push him this far. I can make some slight adjustments to his magnetic actuators but to actually reach or break the sound barrier is impossible!" "So make it possible, or I'll find someone who can." Hannon replied almost with a growl, after his response he promptly slid the sterile white door open and calmly walked out, the doctor simply fell back into his chair and let out a heavy sigh of frustration.