[img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2015/050/4/b/gogo_tamago_big_hero_6_by_ctiahao-d8io40x.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Kim Mori [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Nickname:[/b] Kimmy [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Guild:[/b] Lunar Wolf [b]Rank:[/b] Mage [b]Personality:[/b] Sarcastic and easily outgoing, impatient, a smart ass, a laid back and easy going person. Kim is a prankster who pulls dirty and despicable mischief and gets away with it by lying and manipulating the situation around her. Kim proclaims herself to be fabulous, free spirited, passionate yet lazy and impatient. Inside that cool get up lies a facade like paper that is scripted, ledger that is bleeding and cruelty that a Lunar Wolf would do. She hates to admit her weakness because she never again wants to feel dead weight and shun/shamed on. [b]Background:[/b] Kim has been in Lunar Wolf ever since she can remember but before that, she was just kid in the streets, doing all the dirty work; making her own ends of living and surviving, making sure that no one belittles her, Kim always puts up a facade but others could tell and would so pick on her. Her Dad worked in Magnolia as a Chef while her mom, she never knew what she's like. Once a simple life is now replaced by a new life, Kim dreamed of becoming the strongest so that no one would pick on her ever again, she stole a book that would teach her the magic she have today. From then on the bitter hardships she has no longer felt weight as she brushes it off faster than ever. [b]Magic:[/b] Reflector is a form of Magic which enables its user to twist and distort almost anything. It can affect both material things, such as metal, and intangible entities. The only downside is that the focus of the user is limited when reflecting more than it can chew. Kim learned this magic for the sole purpose of never getting to be hurt again. Those who dare to fight her, the pain that is thrown at her, she'll throw it back HARDER. Such Magic possesses both great offensive and defensive capabilities: by refracting air, the user is capable of generating highly-destructive flying slashes of various sizes, which possess great cutting power. The user is capable of twisting anything aside from human bodies and can only use their refracting powers on a single area at a time, either around themselves or elsewhere. The harder and stronger the object the reflecting affects the user resulting of making it ineffective. In her case, she has to manually activate the magic and maintaining it proved difficult. She can only keep it on for ten minutes. [b]Other:[/b] None.