[b][u]King Daeron Targaryen of Westeros[/u][/b] Daeron was enjoying the feast immensely. His face was red with laughter and wine, having drank his fill while talking with an attractive young women of high born blood. Suddenly he spied his mother striding over to him, a look of disgust was visible only to those who knew her well. As good as his mother was at politics, she hated parties of this sort. She clasped a hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear, "It is time to announce your decision," before walking off. He cleared his throat and said his goodbyes before walking up to the front of the room were he notified a servant to get the attention of the party goers. A deep gong rang through the room, the servant having rang a large brass cymbal to get the attention of the lords and ladies. The room grew silent, the only noise the heavy breathing of drunken men. "And now for the highlight of the evening, the Announcement of the Hand. My father always told me that you should trust your Hand more than you trust yourself. Well the person that I have chosen is most certainly the most trustworthy person I have ever met by far. I'd like to present to you all, the new Hand of the King and the most loyal man I've ever met, John Stark!" Daeron shouted throughout the room. Many guests cheered and turned to John who gave them curt nods while his direwolf sat next to him proudly as if she knew what her master now was. With that Daeron stepped down and his guests went back to eating, drinking, and gabbing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Lady Gemma Baraetheon[/u][/b] "I'd love to, but I must warn you, the Stormlands aren't nearly as interesting as Dorne," Gemma said in response to Ser Jakob's request for a description of her homeland. Soon however, the well known Ser Vernan had joined their group. She smiled and said, "Hello Ser Vernan. Enjoying the feast I expect?" Inside however she was bursting with joy. She had heard that the Lannisters were in search of a war and she was in search of a new king. This could be a perfect time to ally with the lions. It had been done before. Hopefully now however they refrained from fucking their siblings. That was a tradition best left to the Targaryens. Just then the king decided to announce the Hand of the King as John Stark. No surprise there. The two had been inseparable for many years. A shame however. She'd met the Stark boy a few times and he seemed like a pleasant boy, a good warrior even if he was slightly inexperienced. It would be a shame if he got caught on the wrong side of the war. When Gemma turned back to her group she noticed that the Dornish princess had left. No matter. Gemma thought that the Frey and Lannister were he best bets at striking a deal anyways.