Claire watched as their small group was halved by a board with papers pasted on it. People buzzed around the thing, taking in information and mulling about with each other, some people pairing off and small groups formed here and there. Some people left without much of a fuss, and eventually the board was cleared up a bit. Claire looked from Mysaren to Historia. It seemed it would just be the two of them instead for the moment. "I don't suppose you would want to take a look?" She asked still looking at the board. She was curious herself, and she would like to make some more gold. She needed a place to stay while she searched the area...And staying anywhere took gold. "There might be something that could let us..." She went to search for a choice word yet again. "Explore?" She asked instead of stated, looking back to her partner once again. She searched vacantly for some reassurance to her word, but in a second she simply nodded slightly. "Explore." She repeated.