((If you wanna argue, do the math: Two fleets of similar size, except one is gathered together, and one is gathered around a planet. Think about that- to be spread around a planet and blockade it, even a fleet of five hundred ships would have trouble doing so without leaving gaps. Blockading means spreading out, and that leaves you extremely vulnerable to otherwise-equal or inferior forces.)) ((Also, where are you getting all these forces? From what I've read so far, you've lost multiple armies' worth, simple canon fodder, and yet the planetary defense forces must've surely numbered in great amounts. How is it that you still have any amount of troops left to push HARDER?! Moral would be deafening low, and even the most disciplined soldiers will turn and run if one enemy kills thirty friends. The Defending force always has the advantage- they are fighting for their homes, their territory, their people. The conquering people fight for vague hopes of glory and fame, under orders and some amount of nationality. Obviously the Draconians have bloodlust added to that, but still- how are you still fighting without having to bring another fleet of troop carriers?)) [b]Kibō-Hosh[/b] Major Warlord Hele'Streth growled in anger at their lack of response as the time flew past. Activity rose slightly again- apparently the besiegers were renewing their assault. He waved vaguely; the officers knew exactly what that meant. Fierce grins and rumbles of approval filled the air, as the fleet began moving forward to invade the planet. They knew that they had a very large tactical advantage- the enemy were spread far apart about the globe, and it would take hours for them to reassemble and come back to a full fighting force- hours that they would not have. Breaking through the blockade and reaching the planet's surface to the largest battle would be presumably easy. Better yet, the source of the unknown's transmissions and presumed flagship was situated above it. An even better bonus- take out the commanding unit and destroy the majority of the forces. Really, it was so easy. A small portion of the fleet, a dozen droneships plus eight cruisers, stayed behind with the other ships, messages being sent to them: "[i]Refrain from hostilities against our ships and units, and we will assist you in the fight for your planet. Stand by for diplomacy; your leader has passed our tests.[/i]" It was in this formation- a stubby spearhead formation- that the fleet approached the unknown's rear, moving more or less to surround the unknown's presumed flagship. It was larger than the rest, and had more wavelength traffic surrounding it, both to other points in orbit and to the surface, indicating that it was a center of communications in some way. Probably before they even noticed, the majority of the fleet opened fire with what weapons could reach to the nearest ships. Drones were deployed to counter any enemy weapons; droneships themselves flanked larger ships, or hid in their shadows. The great, multiple troop transports lumbered forwards, guarded by more droneships, moving to break atmosphere with an in-system microjump. Moments after the fleet opened fire, forty ships of the fleet disappeared and reappeared some distance from the nearest unknown ship, right above the atmosphere. It was at that point that most of the ships stopped, while less than a dozen continued on, dropping into the atmosphere at an angle, and aiming for the outskirts of the capital. Great anti-surface cannons were fired, clearing their planned landing sights, and destroying clumps of enemies. Anti-air missiles or weapons of any kind would be useless against the starships, and any emplacements big enough to worry them were taken out by the multiple accompanying cruisers and destroyers within the troop transports' guard. All over the capital city, the great hordes of Roman troops went up in ash and smoke, disappearing with great flashes of light, leaving behind shallow, wide craters. Oh, sure, the unknown could start orbital bombardment on the grounded starships, but they were meant to absorb that kind of damage. Besides, what made them weak up there made them stronger down here, and there were able to guard themselves by drones, shields, or special armor, while releasing swarms of soldiers, armor, and aircraft. It didn't take long for low-flying divebombers to take to the sky, sweeping down from the heavens to drop powerful payloads, shattering buildings and disintegrating soldiers. Some were shot down; they spiraled down into the thick hordes of Roman soldiers, covering the ground like a carpet, the rest of the ammunition going off and leaving even more dead. Really, the great hordes were just causing more casualties. Intercepted transmissions were that of the invading force talking to the defending force, and encrypted invader-to-invader communications. What could be decoded from the invaders-to-defenders was the defenders spitting abuse and saying they were only good for dying. Odd, because in the Draconians' flawed but complete honesty (flawed in that the truth leans towards draconians, and that there was a significant difference between public truth and private truth), the invaders were really falling like flies-only good for dying- while the defenders were putting up such a fight with so few that it was really quite ridiculous. As the Draconian fleet made its attack run, the Warlord ordered separate scopes- the Draconian term for long-range high-detail optic scanners, useless in space combat because of the need of position, not visible detail- to be recording the ground battle, studying tactics and saving the battle for later- likely at the cost of the invasion people's humiliation. They were winning purely by numbers and numbers alone, but even those were giving out. A bit of Draconian ordnance on their very-clumped-up groups would thin the herd significantly. His only physical response to his fleet in closing was a fierce grin, at the thought of crushing the command element of the now-an-enemy fleet, and eliminating the spearhead and powerhouse of the enemy invasion force. ((I wrote this over a period of three days, so sorry if it seems scatter-brained at times.))