[quote=@MrFoxNews] It depends :/ physically speaking it definitely can. Probably not mentally speaking. Daemons could probably also be bound to your corpses rather easily to create Daemon Engines. So you don't need to worry about Cults to the God's springing up in your cities. However if your exposed to the Warp without proper protection you'll be corrupted Judy like anyone/anything else. [/quote] ... *processes* ... so, the A.I's 'mind' would be unaffected, but it's platform (body) would be?, for example... [hider=this:] [img]http://media.slidedb.com/images/groups/1/1/84/Konachan.com_-_120527_gia_gun_original_tail_weapon_white.jpg[/img][/hider] could turn into something like [hider=this?:] [img]http://www.theanimegallery.com/data/thumbs/790px/0087/tAG_87792.jpg[/img][/hider]