Kat listened to the radio as everyone else was doing at that given moment, and quickly pulled Twilight off her current course and out to sea to rally on the deck of the Stormbolt. There were no whales this time as she flew over the water in turmoil... Kat slowed her aircraft down as she got in line for landing. Tapping her fuel gauge, she started worrying about falling out of the sky as plane after plane landed before her. "Oy, I'm on fumes 'ere! Tell the crews to get those planes off the strip!" She called to the Stormbolt's tower, whom calmly replied with "We understand, remain calm. you're clear to land in two more planes." The feline pilot huffed at the answer. "Easy to say when you're sitting stationary, and no in a hunk of metal that won't float if it hits water." She muttered to herself. But soon enough, and with the gauge arrow bumping the empty peg, she swooped low and caught the wire with her hook, landing safely on deck. It was a close call, for just as she slowed to a stop, her engines sputtered, coughed, and died. Kat unlatched her cockpit and hopped out, running a hand across Twilight's fuselage. "Girl's never let me fall, even when starved for fuel." Walking off deck to let the crews handle the exhausted Twilight, Kat met up with the rest of the pilots, she gave a lazy salute before sounding off "Callsign Kat reporting." She glanced at the others, waiting for further orders as they were. She knew trying to ask questions would be useless and only add confusion.