Name: Perrivalt Acht Age: 19 Appearance: [hider=I clearly can't resize things.][img][/img][/hider] Medium-dark tan skin, dark red hair, dark gold eyes. The octopus tentacles are a rich orange color normally, but can change color. Often wears a pair of red-rimmed reading glasses when studying for long periods of time, if the chance is ever gotten to begin with. Animal: Octopus Personality: He's a bit slippery, often speaking a bit ambiguously or sometimes even acting in a way that seems deliberately evasive. Whether she realizes that he's doing this or not isn't really certain to a lot of people yet, as it seems that he may have trouble knowing when she's doing so himself. She's pretty intelligent and takes some pride in his now quite-limber form, but still gets irritated about certain assumptions regarding it, to the point where s/he can even become quite aggressive. Normally, though, he's not often quick to fight unless immediately in danger. Bio: (In Progress)