[center]+[b]HIKARU[/b]+ Hikaru smiled when Kenji laced their fingers together. He wanted nothing more than to fall asleep next to his boyfriend like this.....but he couldn't. Now that he was awake and alert, he could tell that something was off. It was the dark hour, he could tell, and that was making him uneasy. Kenji was a persona user but lacked a weapon. Hikaru would do anything to protect him. So he waited until Kenji was fast asleep to break their hands apart and he slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake Kenji up. Once he was out, Hikaru slipped on his black jacket and tiptoed out of his room, shutting his door softly behind him. +[b]FLEANCE[/b]+ Fleance was right on the boarder of sleep, just about to enter a dream, when something brushed against his cheek. His eyes shot open and he quickly sat up, turning beside him. There stood a young boy, making Lance blink. His first thought was ' who is this guy?', but then he guessed he was another resident of the dorm. "What are you doing in my room?" He asked calmly, reaching up to touch his own cheek where the finger had stroked it. +[b]KIMIKO[/b]+ Momo laughed evilly as Pikachu continue to dangle over the concrete below. He really wasn't going to drop the robot; he knew Shinji would kill him. He just wanted to ruffle the robot up a bit. Momo smirked in amusement as he watched Pikachu try to kick him. His short legs would never reach him! "Haha, silly rat!" He laughed, stopping when he saw Pikachu's cheeks begin to blink. He and the other members of the house had been warned that when that happened, Shinji was in some serious shit. Momo tried to remember when he saw Shinji last...Oh! That's right! He went out to get some weapons! Maybe he had ran into a shadow! Momo quickly put Pikachu down and crouched down, "C'mon Pikachu, show me where he is!" He told the robot, reaching over to grab his evoker. Beside it was his weapon, a simple baseball bat. He went to the door and opened it, allowing Pikachu to leave the room and run down the hall. Momo followed quickly, his evoker tucked into his pants. When he got to the stairs, he found Hikaru already standing there. He slowed down only enough to tell Hikaru what happened. "All right, I'll go with you." Hikaru nodded, pulling his evoker from his jacket pocket. The two ran down the stairs, following Pikachu to Shinji's location. +[b]KIMIKO[/b]+ Kimiko brought out her evoker from her purse, holding it uncertainly. Her hand shook a little. No matter how many times she fought shadows, she couldn't get used to it. And from the sounds she was hearing, this shadow wasn't as small as the other ones had been. Instead of summoning her persona like Shinji, Kimiko waited for the shadow to show up. +[b]MOMO[/b]+ Because Shinji and Kimiko were not too far from the dorm, Momo and Hikaru reached Shinji and Kimiko in a short amount of time. "Hey!" Momo called out, waving his hand so they could see them in the distance. "H-has one showed up?" He breathed, "Pikachu's cheeks lit up." he explained.[/center]