Sophia filled the rest of her night by washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, and then getting ready for bed. As she worked and got settled in for bed Sophia found herself thinking of stuff she hadn't in a long time--things that couples did together. Without really meaning for it to happen, Tim appeared beside her in her mind's eye in every scenario. Going out on a date, going for walks, laying on the couch at home cuddled up together while watching a movie, and a million other things too. As time went on and Sophia realized what she was thinking about she became increasingly embarrassed. Her face flushed red and she found herself absentmindedly repeating or messing up simple tasks without meaning to. At the same time Sophia couldn't help but feel giddy, happy, positively ecstatic even. She had no idea why she was so happy, but she couldn't stop from feeling like her heart was going to bubble over. When Sophia went to bed the last thing that appeared in her mind was Tim's face and she thought about earlier when she lay her head on his shoulder and when he grabbed her hand and held it as they walked back to his apartment. With these thoughts in her mind Sophia fell asleep with a smile on her face.