Prepare for the CS storm. I'm doing this at 2 am for me, so expect a few mistakes. Alert me to them when I am more awake, and I shall correct them. Name: Logar, the god of Apocalypse, emperor of the clone empire, opposer of deamon, denier of fate. Powers: God's call: This ability allows Logar to summon Klonos to aid his armies, no matter where, or when, unless a limiter, or some other power jammer is present. This also allows Logar to summon his imperial fleet, and troops to his location. Master combatant: As the son of a god of war, the ability to wage battle is abundant in Logar, allowing him to fight against foes much larger, and more numerous than himself. This also allows him to direct his troops, meaning their tactical ability is bolstered when he is near. Chaos aura: Logar's presence also increases the strength and destructive power of allies near him, be them his own troops, or those who have sided with him. This also makes enemy attacks weaker, as if those who stood with Logar shared his strength. Flight: Using mystical means, Logar can fly. God's blood: Logar is far more durrible than other, lesser beings. He's able to take punishment comparable to that of the most stalwart and hardy of creatures. As such, He's nearly brushed off attacks that would maim and cripple things such as some other gods. Telekinesis: Logar has basic telekinetic powers, meaning he can throw things around with his mind, or deflect incoming ranged projectiles. Tools: Sword of War: A blade that belonged to his father, the god of war, Logar's sword can regenerate if damaged, and shapeshift to fit the situation. It also is filled with a special war magic, meaning in Logar's hands, it strengthens his Chaos aura, making his allies far more powerful. If this is destroyed, Logar can recreate it given some time. Hate's black heart: The heart of his mother, the goddess of hatred, Logar wields this magical artifact to terrify, and destroy his foes. Able to produce a dark mist able to cloud the sight of his enemies, the mist also consumes the dead, and heals his allies. Undead are also damaged by the mist overtime, as if it was corrosive. Helm of Logar: (Yes, I changed his name for that reference.) The Helm of Logar is Logar's own artifact, created when he slew his sister in combat, and stole her artifact. The helm allows Logar to see invisible creatures, and sense souls, though most kinds of shields and barriers. It also leads to his foes seeing what they most fear approaching them, if they have fear in their hearts. Those with strong wills can see past this farce, but those of weaker minds, and wills, will be forced back, seeing that which they most fear. Emperor's Armor: Armor made from the highest grade bio metal the empire could craft, his armor is able to withstand both normal, and mystical attacks with ease, and repair itself. While it can be broken with enough concentrated fire, it will deflect the odd attack here and there. Army wide communicator: Logar has a wrist mounted communicator, which is made from similar bio-metal like his armor, meaning it can repair itself. This allows Logar to issue his army their commands, and tell his generals where to strike. It also allows for the spreading of critical information. It can be jammed via an extremely powerful radio jammer. Looks: Cross the God Emperor of Mankind with Eliphas the inheritor, and you about got him. Theme song: Duel of fates.