"Harper Hudson," Cedric said calmly, "nice to meet you; didn't know you were part of the Underground Movement," he said nonchalantly. "Let me see, Xenomorph powers; acidic blood, fangs, the ability to infest others, you are a competent asset to whoever must have hired you. You must be the one charged with keeping Ruby in a gilded cage, right? If so, I must congratulate on on your persisitence." "By the way, your parents miss you," the 20-year old man continued, hoping to shock him, just in time for Elijah to come inside the private booth, and make his own set of threats. "And, considering that the Meta who just came in and said added his own two cents' is a person who can set you on fire faster than you can drip acid on me, you may not be able to see your parents again [i]unless you listen to me[/i]." "As head of the International Metahuman Bureau," Cedric continued, "I have the power to request a formal pardon in exchange for services to the nation and the world, and the power to define the very meaning of 'service'. With a few swings of a pen you can see your folks, [i]legally[/i], if you would just let me talk with Ruby." Cedric flashed him a smile. "Please, I'd rather not stain this place with ashes; it has too many good memories." He was being sincere. "Oh, one more thing," Cedric turned his face to Elijah, "sorry for shooting you in the back of the head and the kneecaps when we first met; those, well, those would have hurt."