[center] + CLEAFEN + "I am here to be with you, my darling dearest Lance~♥" Cleafen smiled at the confused teenager, never once breaking eye contact. "My love, I'm always with you even when you can't see me."he continued, happy that he finally had the chance to speak to Fleance. "So never worry...I will always protect you. You are going to face many trials soon..." ++ SHINJI + "Zionga."ordered Shinji as his persona shot electricity into a nearby alleyway. The cry of a shadow confirmed that he was right; they were in danger after all. The persona vanished at the end of the attack. Shinji knelt down and removed the backpack around his shoulder, quickly placing it on the ground. He unzipped and, like a clown car, pulled out a sword and another weapon called a naginata. Shinji placed the naginata beside Kimiko's feet and took the sword for himself. These weapons were supposed to be given to Fleance and Kenji, but right now they needed it more than they did. Shinji's weapon was Pikachu, who could either fight for him separately like a Pokemon trainer or transform into a gun that shot electrically charged bullets. "Pikachu should be bringing help, so don't worry Kimiko."he reassured after noticing she was shaking, though his voice was still devoid of warmth. Right on cue, Momoru, Hikaru, and Pikachu arrived from the dorm. "Yeah."answered Shiji as Pikachu climbed onto his shoulder. "It's in that alleyway." Suddenly, Shinji noticed that the giant Shadow was crawling out of the alleyway. "Damn..."he said slightly surprised, a grin appearing on his face as he glanced over at Pikachu. "You ready?"he asked, placing the evoker to his head. "PIKA!" ++ SUNAKO ++ "Wake up, wake up!"pleaded Sunako as she tried to shake Kenji awake. She didn't understand his sleeping patterns sometimes...how could he wake up to Momoru's footsteps and not her yelling at him? Maybe it was because she was a girl and he tuned out girls, or something? Whatever...she needed to get to supporting the others. "Can you hear me?"asked Sunako, speaking through telepathy. Momoru and Hikaru warned her about Pikachu's flashing cheeks as they ran out the dorm. Sunako usually would have joined them in such a situation, but Fleance, Sousuke, and Kenji would be unprotected and have no idea what was going on. Yeah, they were both guys who were older than her, but both Fleance and Sousuke had no persona. Kenji was sleeping like a log. "Wow...that Shadow is powerful. Shinji, give me a moment to scan for it's weakness." "Alright."he answered, knowing the other three Persona users could hear her as well. Pikachu had strapped onto Shinji's arm like Ben 10's watch, except it was a gun. He moved closer to the huge Shadow, shooting it twice. [/center]