WIP as of now. I'll finish this some time later. [hider=Fresh Prince of Somewhereland] [hider=Chillin' Part 2] [hider=Sword Guy A: Check out letter] [/hider] [hider=Sword Guy B: Gather supplies to continue after the marauders] [/hider] [hider=Stealth Guy A: Read letter] [/hider] [hider=Stealth Guy B: Answer Door] [/hider] [hider=Muscle Guy A: Answer Door] [/hider] [hider=Muscle Guy B: Poorly Read Letter] [/hider] [hider=Magic Guy A: Answer Door] [/hider] [hider=Magic Guy B: Answer Door] [/hider] [hider=Magic Guy C: Ready Letter] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Dragon Part 2] [/hider] [hider=DID SOMEBODY SAY SIDE-STORY!?] >Be lowly farmer >Have barely enough food to feed myself, let alone feed an entire family >See something flying in the distance >It's getting closer >mfw it's a fucking dragon >Try to warn someone >Everyone is frozen solid wtf >Turn to see the dragon coming closer >It lands on your hut >It begins to open it's mouth, probably to shoot unholy fire at me >this_is_the_end.jpg >Instead it laughs >A pants-shittingly terrifying laugh, but a laugh nonetheless >Raise my pitchfork like it could actually do shit against a god damn mythical beast >"W-what do you want, foul monster?" >[b]"BAHAHAHAHA! MY BOY, YOU HAVEN"T CHANGED A BIT! I WAS WONDERING IF THERE WAS SOME DAMAGE, BUT APPARENTLY YOU REINCARNATED PERFECTLY! BWAHAHAHAHA!"[/b] >mfw >MFW >"Wh-what the bloody hell are you talking about?" >The fucking dragon is [i]crying[/i] from laughing so hard >[b]"I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU, MY BOY! DO YOU ACTUALLY NOT REMEMBER!? YOUR PAST LIFE!? YOUR [I]KINGDOM!?[/I] YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY HAVE FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT IT!"[/b] >wtf >"What kingdom?" >[b]"BAH. THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN THAT NOW. CLIMB ON ME BACK SO I CAN TAKE YOU BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG."[/b] >Do as the dragon says >Wouldn't want him getting angry at me after all >But first >"Before we go, will the people be alright?" >[b]"OF COURSE. THE SPELL WEARS OFF IN AN HOUR. NOW, LET'S FLY!"[/b] >Me and the dragon fly away >mfw I'm riding a dragon >mfw I'M RIDING A [b]FUCKING[/b] DRAGON [/hider] [/hider]