Renzo was quietly lying down, his mind still wandering about as he watched the clearing from his den when he noticed a figure dart out. He stood up and walked outside, sniffing the air and he knew almost immediately who the wolf was. "Amber." He muttered before turning to the forest and let out a small sigh. He trotted over to the entrance and started sniffing again and still smelled Amber's scent. He followed it, sometimes getting distracted by the scent of prey before getting back to Amber's trail. After a few minutes of following the trail, he began to grow stiff as he noticed that next two scents. Blood and humans. This was a bad combination. If the blood he smelled belonged to Amber... He shook his head, trying not to think about it. He got on back to Amber's trail and sighed in relief as he saw the wolf. "What are you doing out here alone?" He asked Amber as he walked to her. "You know the humans are here and you'd be in danger if you went out alone." He warned before taking a seat next to her.