[b][u]Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing[/u][/b] Jakob smiled as the Martell princess left. Hower inside he was scowling, she was a powerful friend and Jakob hadn't expected the Lannister so quickly. SIghing he decided that the group present was still one with a single interest at heart and so now was the time to plot, or at least plan. If what Khailey said was true then a chance like this could skyrocket a man such as himself. Or it could kill him, in which case he would want to be the one hurling these thoughts into the ground. Another action that could bring great reward. The group was silent for a moment as the Hand was announced. The Stark boy, it seemed the King was a fool indeed, the Stark boy was no politician. Jakob had never really wanted the role either, but he was still a better schemer than the Stark and he recognised the opportunity the King had lost with other candidates. Gwayne Tyrell would beside himself, Jakob thought. Perhaps another man I must speak too again tonight. Bringing himself back to the present he led the small procession of the Baratheon and Lannister out of the main feasting hall. Turning a corner he spied an empty room that looked as if it had stored the tables. Perfect. Stepping inside he turned on the two companions and started to speak. "Let's make this brief. A person such as myself, and a Baratheon may not be missed at a party like this but a Lannister will. Ser Vernon, I had the fortune of bumping into Khailey earlier. Lovely girl, unfortunately she made some troubling remarks about her, or more specifically the Lannisters, thoughts on the King. I'm not here to beat around the bush, and I am sure the Baratheons are no fonder of this King as you are. You will need friends in the coming weeks. Friends who hold some power. If there were a war I could promise you that the Starks would rush to the Targaryens, the Tyrells will be a wild car now and Dorn. Again I am not sure about them. I have a feeling that the Baratheons, and so the Stormlands, would follow you against the King. The question is the Riverlands for me. Myself, the Tullys and many other Houses have suffered under the Baelish house. We would not oppose a new King, though nor would we support one that supports House Baelish. I shall meet with the other Riverlords tonight to discuss this but first, I must know how you plan to change the Riverlands, IF you came into power. And more specifically how you would benefit a messenger who brought an opportunity. Such as myself."