[Center][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/291/8/b/ziggurat_by_ng02-d5swp65.jpg[/img][/Center] [hider=Nation Map] [img]http://i60.tinypic.com/2eyiffa.png[/img] [/hider] [h3][B][color=fff200]Instructions[/color][/b][/h3] [LIST] [*] Post a request for rolls in the OOC tab. [*] When I provide a rolled response, please post a nation sheet here, using the provided template. [*] Please place your sheets in hiders for ease of navigation. [*] Also, please place your rolls in a separate hider on the same post. [*] Please do not post anything but character sheets in here. [/LIST] [h3][B][color=fff200]Nation Sheet Template[/color][/B][/h3] ([url=https://titanpad.com/zmy9szYO9O]Provided here in bbcode form[/url]) [indent] [B]Name:[/B] (Don't go too nuts, keep it at least pronounceable) [B]Flag/emblem:[/B] (picture or description) [B]Demonym:[/B] (What are your people called? Such as English or Americans or the French) [B]Description: [/B](A summary of your nation goes here; basics on what's going on and what the country is about. Traditions worthy of note go here, recent history, unique traits,...) [B]Government:[/B] (Type; Monarchy, republic, theocracy, oligarchy,...) [B]Economy:[/B] (Just describe the major industries, activities and how they are organized. What are notable exports and imports? What is your nation lacking? Base this off the rolls.) [B]Religion:[/B] (if present, more than one?) [B]Geography:[/B] (Jungle, grassland, mountains, etc. PLEASE be sure to identify where on the map you are, preferably by posting a clip of the region you wish to occupy. [u]We may have to move you around to make it work. Don't be shocked if you don't get all the area you requested.[/u]) [B]Population:[/B] (will be rolled for) [B]Demographics[/B] (Makeup of your population; ethnicities, languages, minorities.) [B]Notable Locations[/B] (An overview of important cities, military forts, wonders, and Historical Landmarks (which is to say, along the lines of the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids at Giza)) [B]Personalities of Note[/B] (Important people in your country; leaders and the such, people that factor heavily into your RP. At the very least, the ruler (de facto and/or de jure, probably other characters such as priests, heirs, rivals, ambassadors, your important generals or administrators.) [B]Institutions:[/B] (Major institutions of the nations, such as legislative bodies, corporate organisations/guilds, families, most importantly, the military.) [B]Military[/B] Organisation: (professional/militia/levy/..., doctrine, tactics, equipment, though the latter can be put underneath as well, etc.) Troop Total: (keep reality and upkeep in mind, e.g. 3% of your population as full-time professional soldiers would be a whole lot) Army: Navy: Other: (Such as siege equipment, a secret service, internal security, important mercenaries, or paramilitary forces, etc.) [B]Other[/B] Special traits, remarks, boons and flaws [/indent]