Ishin allowed himself to listen at the door as it wasn’t immediately being answered. He heard a phone ring and a mechanical voice that simply sounded angry from what he could hear. He gave a short breath in and composed himself, acting once more as the dignified host and proprietor of a night club. The door opened and what greeted him was a woman; shorter than him, though to be fair at about 6 foot most people were shorter than Ishin, with a very clean cut appearance only marred by what looked to be animal fur. Ishin smiled briefly as she bowed, a cleanly snapped movement that was obviously practiced. Ishin leant against the wall that was behind him, slouched and hands in his pockets “not a pro-“ He couldn’t finish his sentence as she rattled off her name and rank as a Dove. Ishin straightened and smiled, practice of his own flicking a switch on his brain “A Ghoul Investigator?” He laughed “Cool, dangerous job though” he nodded and began walking towards the entrance “My name is Ishin Kuhaku, owner of this joint” he waved around his hand, gesturing to the walls “I have a few of you guys come through to wind down a lot…so I’ll offer you the same thing I offer them” he laughed “my clients enjoy ‘horror’ themes and taboo…if you ever find or…hmm…acquire some notorious Ghoul Masks” he gestured to the wall covered in masks “I’ll pay handsomely for them…might even give out free drinks” he grinned before gesturing to the entrance “I hope you can find your way home, Miss Hikari...and do come again.” Ishin turned on his heel after leading the Dove out, he had to check on Chou and The Boy…ensure nothing had happened. Checking that they had indeed come back here, Ishin made his way up the room and opened the door. He strode inside, like he owned the place…which he well did so that wasn’t an issue. The Boy was looking scared and frightened and Chou was rummaging through some drawers. He cleared his throat “Chou…tha-that’s the cutlery drawer…clothes are in the wardrobe over there” He pointed at the big panels of mirrored glass that covered a section of the wall. He strode over to the Boy and looked him over “Boy…show me your Kagune” he folded his arms “I need to understand what you can do and how best to train you to stay alive.”