[b]Sangue Naga - Grimm Studies[/b] The red-haired woman applauded the man known as Aurellius for taking down the Sitting Bull with a unnecessarily strenuous, yet entertaining style of fighting. While the style may seem inefficient against human criminals and the like, against certain Grimm, the style actually seemed disorienting enough to catch the beasts off-guard. She wondered what it was like to pole-vault, however. With that in mind, Sangue noticed Ben claiming that he could give her a second set of notes. Her stoic expression never fading, the woman bowed slightly, letting her hair softly move around her neck in interesting ways, before turning back to pay attention to the classes. She truthfully did feel relieved that someone would take notes for her, though she was unable to express such emotions well. She remained quiet, her scarred eye closed with her unharmed eye slightly open.