[color=7bcdc8]Name: Amaiyo Age: ??? Gender: Female Species: Supposedly an "Angel of Death", b-but...she certainly doesn't look the part... Living or Dead?: o_o" N-No idea... [i]Known[/i] Abilities: Teleportation, turning her knife into any kind of blade she could want, super strength... Description: Amaiyo looks...a little like a doll. She's a cute little black cat that stands on two legs, and wears a cinder-gray dress. She has but one blue eye, her right eye. The other was supposedly a green eye, but it was...lost, somehow, so now that part of her face is covered by a silken white bandage. It is said that anyone who dares to remove it will seal themselves into a horrible fate. In the only pocket of her dress, at the front, is a blood-covered knife, which Amaiyo can wield as any sort of blade she wishes. Around her neck is a beautifully weaved cord, made of 3 smaller beautifully weaved cords, all in different colors. She uses this as a neck ornament...but also to strangle or hang people. The little cat constantly has blood splatters on her left ear, the end of her tail, and all over her cream-colored angel wings, one of which is torn. Amaiyo's past is pretty much a mystery, as well as her purpose in Lavenshade Mansion. In fact, it's safe to assume that she's just there because she was passing by, and wanted to have a bit of fun... [/color]