Riku coughed up some blood when he felt the GM kick him in the chest, and sending him flying away only to grind on the ground and leaving a trail following all the way to where he lays not moving. Frank felt bad because he couldn't do anything but only watch since he still needed to charge up for his ascend into a higher God state. Riku could barley move but chose not to all he did was stare up into the sky thinking he isn't strong enough, that something is different, that something changed since he first came to face the GM, and he was able to catch the GM off guard only once. "What is wrong? Why am I not strong enough? Oh that's right my summon drained quit a bit of energy since I put it all into just one seed that I can't use or it would be the end of me..." Riku said still staring up into the sky. With a huge grunt work Riku moved his arm just enough to reach his pocket. After digging in it once more he found the seed he then threw it far off from where he was, and it landed in a small crack in the ground where some dirt was that buried the seed. "Hey GM if your not scared enough come over here and actually kill me no respawns no nothing you me hand to hand fight, no weapons, no demon powers, and no GM powers! Just two guys fighting it out!" Riku shouted as he got up from his spot and faced in the GM's direction. Meanwhile Conner was still shouting around about his destroyed ship. Until an old man wanted to make a deal with him. The old man said he wanted to wreckage but Conner originally was gonna say no, but he first walked over to it and as fast as he could gather all the weapons and parts that weren't completely broken and threw them at Gandalf saying keep these somewhere safe. Conner faced the old man again this time he was ready to speak. "Well there's nothing valuable you're offering so I'll give you nothing valuable in return so here have at it." Conner told the old man [@Gandalf]