[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IOy3ypm.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Katherine Harvey [b]Nickname:[/b] Sometimes she goes by her last name, Harvey. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age: [/b] 19 [b]Age Appearance: [/b] Looks slightly younger than she appears to be [b]Appearance: [/b] Katherine stands at a reasonable 5'8 and has a medium build. She is never seen without her flight goggles. [b]Personality:[/b] Katherine is a mild, straightforward girl with an impressive wit. She is quite open and generally will be friendly towards those she meets, being someone who could quickly make friends in foreign lands. The kind of person that could walk into a bar filled with scary mercenaries and pirates only to be laughing and drinking with them moments later. Deeper down, she is a skeptical person, not taking things how they are and always asking questions. Like most pilots of small, flimsy bits of metal that have somehow gotten off the ground, she is pretty carefree and calm, even in the most dangerous of situations. Not to extent of near suicidal ignorance, but just happens to hold herself together under a lot of pressure. Yet despite having this seemingly strong personality, there is something lurking in the depths of her mind... something waiting to come out. [b]Backstory: [/b] It was a warm summers day on the small agricultural island of Pasteir. A little girl ran through the meadows, a kite in tow. It was her favorite thing to do that day when she didn't have to go to school. She watched the kite hover in the air as the wind held it in the sky, her eyes gleaming at the sight. "Katherine! There you are, I've been looking for you!" a male voice said behind her. Katherine turned to see her father walking over to her. "Ah, I see your flying the kite you made. I'm glad to see you haven't crashed it yet!" He said with chuckle. "Do you want to come into town with me for some errands? I here the airship is back." Katherine's eyes widened. "Really? Let's go, let's go!" she said, hastily reeling in her kite and running back towards the house. Her father shook his head and chuckled to himself. "My my.... I wonder if she will get the chance to fly?" Katherine was born into rural community of the island of Pasteir. It had remained out of reach from the oppressive Crucible, but was connected to the outside world just the same. It was closer to a cluster of islands that made up a small state, Pasteir serving as the agricultural district. Since she was a little girl, Katherine had always had some sort of natural attraction to flying. During her younger days, she would read books about modern day aviation, befriended the airship crew that would come periodically to pick up and trade goods with the island. As she grew, she soon had read every single book her library had to offer on flying. Heck, even her pet flies. A Kulca she named "Ava" that had stayed by her side ever since it was a little hatchling. When she finished school, she began full time work on the farm with her parents. Despite her parents fully supporting their daughter's dream of flying, being a farming family meant money was always tight. Regardless, she began to work and save up. Katherine had been drawing up designs for aircraft for years, but now she decided she would design an aircraft she herself could actually build and fly. She began drafting up compact, cost effiecient designs, making paper models to simulate their flight characteristics, and studying various engine types. Soon her relatively small community began to take interest in her little project as she began to buy the parts for her aircraft. People would stop by the farm to check up on her progress, talk to her about the plane, and even occasionally help her out. Whether it be a metal worker taking on a special order for a unqiue part, or a machinist mysteriously putting a few key items on sale, it seemed the whole town was excited to see this project take off. About a year or so later, she had finally finished the aircraft. A rugged, small, push engine aircraft that looked like a quilt thanks to the miss matched plate aluminum that made up the aircraft's fuselage. One the day she was going to take off in it for the first time, many towns people came to the farm to watch. The Aura engine sputtered to life and the aircraft began to shakily move down the strip of flattened dirt that acted as a makeshift runway. Her parents watched with baited breath as the aircraft began to lift off the ground. Everyone suddenly cheered when the plane took off successfully and for many hours after the crowd disperse did Katherine finally land. Her parents ran over to her and hugged her. "I'm so proud of you.... to have such an amazing daughter makes me the happiest father in the world..." A few weeks later with much testing, Katherine decided it was time she left home. Her aircraft had a great range thanks to its small, light design and highly efficient lift to weight ratio. At first her parents were hesitant, but they knew was pointless to stop the now young adult from following her dreams. On the morning of the day she was to leave, only her father came out to see her off. "Your mother couldn't stand to see the sight of you leaving... She always said she hates saying goodbye. But here, this is from both of us." He handed her a small case. Inside were a pair of flight goggles, good ones at that. "Please come visit us once and awhile. I want to hear about that world your about to explore." With that, they parted ways. Katherine has been traveling from island to island for nearly eight months now with nothing but her pet Ava to keep her company. She only arrived at the somewhat isolated island of Krukow a few days ago, taking a rest after a particularly long and dangerous flight through a storm. [b]Skills: [/b] Natural Skill of Flying Incredibly knowledgeable of all things on flying Very open mind, can easily absorb information and new ideas [b]Techniques: [/b] Erm.... Techniques...techniques... Oh uhh... Dogfighting maneuvers? She hasn't learned many as she has only encountered hostile airborne forces twice, but here are a few things she's picked up "The Double Take" When an enemy aircraft is on your tale, you can use their high speeds to your advantage. By cutting the engine, lowering flaps, and snapping up you can send your aircraft behind the attacker. It requires great timing and control over your aircraft to preform. "The Death Spiral" A counter to the Double Take, it requires both the knowledge of the double take and the reaction time to pull it off. When the defender pulls up to rapidly slow down, the counter is to quickly roll right or left then spin your aircraft in the opposite direction. This will position you into a firing position aimed at the belly of the Defender's aircraft. [b]Equipment: [/b] [hider=The A-01 "Songbird" Aircraft] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fjbqgBW.jpg[/img] This aircraft is the first custom made design by Katherine to be actually made. Powered by a battery driven Aura engine, it can recharge itself in low altitude flight thanks to the compact intake on the bottom of the aircraft. While not a high performance fighter, it remains to be fairly maneuverability and more importantly, durable. With its high lift to weight ratio, it can take off on pretty short runways/strips of land, making it very easy to find places to land. It has a small cargo hold where Katherine stores her supplies and a fairly roomy single seat cockpit that has enough room technically for two. This plane has served has her home for the past eight months, and has served her well. The aircraft is actually armed, on the account of being in unoccupied, remote territory. It is fitted with four, 12.7mm machine guns, two in the wings and two in the nose, however, it would be more fair to say three. one of the wing mounted guns constantly jams up due to a feeding problem and some shoddy craftmanship. It isn't a pretty plane either, resembling a patchwork quilt with the various sheets of aluminum its made up off. Despite its homegrown look, its a well rounded, rugged plane. [/hider] A Luger like pistol Traveling Supplies (Food, water, ect.) A basic utility knife. Tools for working on the plane [b]Other:[/b] Katherine's Pet Kulca named Ava: [hider=The Kulca] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JfO3iuW.png[/img] (The woman on the left is there to provide a comparison to get the idea of its usual size) The Kulca are a flying creature that is highly intelligent and curious (think dolphin level of intelligence). Living mainly on the "coasts" of far away islands, they feed off of smaller flying creatures and berries. They seem to have a novelty ambition for collecting useful scraps of metal and electronics, seemingly the more one collects, the higher it is favored by the community of Kulca. The children are usually 30cms in length and the adults are around 80cms in length, but this is a standard as individual sizes will vary. Still, much is not known about this creature. Ava in particular loves resting on Katherine's shoulder instead of flying, usually called "lazy" by Katherine. [/hider] [b]Position: [/b] Scout [b]Theme Song:[/b] Parov Stelar - The Mojo Radio Gang [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BsAl6HVZ-Y&list=WL&index=84[/url] [/center]