Don't open unless you want to read a critical small-rant of science and logic. [hider=Massive dragons versus technology advanced a thousand years?] We've gone from swords and bows to ICBMs and long-range naval cruise missiles in the past two hundred years. The scales of a dragon would have to be made of diamond-titanium reactive-plating advanced alloy in order to not be blown out of the sky. That, and lasers are already real today- a dragon in this era would be burned alive in minutes if it were any higher than a building. Railguns, too, would probably be far more prominent, since they're already big and powerful today, and no doubt be less big and far more powerful in this era. Forgive my skepticism, but unless we had a total ice age and started over again from scratch, besides books and the like salvaged from pre-doomsday, then dragons would literally stand no chance. Today, aim-assist for real weapons is starting to be developed- a dragon would be shot out of the sky instantly from a hivemind-like network of defense grids or mobile units. A squad of soldiers could pack enough punch to kill a dozen dragons, because dragons are real big and scaly, and they fly around- no match for auto-targeting, lasers, and advanced armor piercing. So my point is, a thousand years is a bit steep. Especially for not having any way to get off-planet. If you can lift a hundred-ton megabot off the ground and still have manuverability, then you can get a space station into space without any problems, and then beyond. The overpopulation would be horrendous, where you're fighting just as much battles against each other as you are with welfare riots. Dragons would have to be so seriously magical that they could stop a tank if it flew at them, because there will be helluva lot more powerful weaponry being used, and not be tired [i]at all.[/i] Making a supersoldier can only go so far, before automated defense turrets simply shoot his infrared reading hiding behind a house from a mile away, with supersonic armor piercing shells that'll probably blow right through their head. [/hider]