[center]+[b]FLEANCE[/b]+ Fleance narrowed his eyes slightly at the strange kid. Ah....so he was here for strange reasons. Unconsciously, Fleance gripped the sheets a little tighter and pulled them closer to him. If he yelled, would the other members of the dorm hear him or were they all asleep? But if worst came to worse, Lance could always defend himself with his fists... " What do you mean?" He asked the kid when he spoke about the trails he was going to face. Maybe this guy was like an angel! Here to warn him of great evil! Or maybe he was here to impregnate him....like Mary and that one angel! Again, Lance clutched the blankets closer to him though his face never changed in expression. +[b]KIMIKO[/b]+ Not even Shinji's words could comfort Kimiko at a time like this. Maybe if there were more people, just maybe she would have enough courage to put the gun to her head and pull the trigger, but there wasn't! There was only two of them there, how could they possibly beat this huge shadow by themselves?! But when Shinji placed the naginata by her feet, she wasted no time in picking it up. She had more faith in the weapon then with her persona. "Do you think they'll be here in time?" She whispered, trying to keep her voice low in case the shadow had super awesome hearing. But Shinji didn't have the time to answer because the backup arrived, consisting of Pikachu, Momo and Hikaru. Kimiko frowned. When Shinji had said 'help', she was expecting everyone to come, meaning Sunako and Kenji as well. Oh well, four was better than two! And plus, Shinji always fought better with Pikachu. With slightly more confidence, Kimiko held the blade in front of her, watching as Shinji shot at the shadow. +[b]MOMO[/b]+ Momo watched Shinji shoot at the shadow, his evoker griped tightly in his hand. He brought it to his head and took a deep breath, taking another second to pull the trigger. A naked man with only a peice of cloth wrapped around his private regions appeared, a solemn expression on his face. " MAGARU!" He yelled, the beautiful persona lifting his arms and inflicting damage on the shadow. It seemed to have no effect on it what-so-ever. " Dammit. How are we gonna beat this thing?!" He yelled out to Shinji, his persona disappearing quickly after the attack. +[b]HIKARU[/b]+ Hikaru stood beside Kimiko, biting his lower lip. He didn't have his weapon on him, but he had his evoker. " We should move the shadow away from here." He told Kimiko. They were only a few blocks away from the dorm and if things got out of hand, Hikaru didn't want the shadow anywhere near the dorm where his beloved slept. So there was only two options. Killing the shadow, or moving it away. Shinji's and Momo's attack looked like they had no effect, so Hikaru decided to see it the same was true for him. Bringing his evoker to the side of his forehead, he wasted no time in pulling the trigger, releasing his badass persona. " Kafkaesque!" He summoned his persona from inside his soul. Despite his small stature, Hikaru's persona was quite large, dominating in both height and power. He hardly used it though because it took a lot out of him to control it, and mostly stuck to his weapon. The demonic looked persona was taller then the shadow and it's illuminated eyes stared deeply at the shadow, Kafkaesque's hands balling up into fists." Attack!" Hikaru ordered the persona, Kafkaesque pulling his arm back and punching the shadow with tremendous force. Although it looked like it was a knock out, the shadow only tumbled backwards instead of dying. Hikaru frowned. This was not going to end up well.[/center]