[b][u]Valerion Draviis[/u][/b] The night went incredibly quick after dinner was served, it was expertly cooked and prepared by Rawlith, as he collected his part of the elk; which was a prime cut based on the fact that it was his kill, Valerion went back to his rock and removed his helmet. Placing it at his feet he began rifling through his belongings and pulled out a very fine Port, and had a few sips of it whilst he ate. The night itself was becoming quite cold, the night sky was very clear with not a single cloud insulating the area meaning that it was to be a very cold night, and likely a cold morning with frost, a common occurrence in Skyrim, admittedly but around the Volcanic vents and the local area it was slightly more uncommon, the natural heat sources would be a welcome relief to the others, Valerion did not doubt this. The night quickly passed, the fire reduced to smoking embers and the rest of the party were all asleep, Valerion could not though... Sleep was rare for him now even the relief it brought was a mere dwindling source of mortality that had remained with him through his very long life, in a few centuries he doubted he'd ever have to sleep again. So he simply sat there on the rock of his, perched like a bird of prey his hands resting on the hilt of his blade ready to strike down anything that dared attack the camp. The dawn soon came and it revived Valerion from his watch and he merely observed as the rest of the camp slowly stirred and started moving around, Delphine, whom was almost a ghost in relation to the rest of the group came over with a strange look on her face, one could almost mistake it for concern. [i]"Did you get any sleep? I thought there was meant to be a rota for who watched over the camp at night?"[/i] Valerion simply stood from his spot and started getting the warmth in his bones again, they were almost locked in place from his non movement in the cold for so long. "It's fine, sleep and I don't cross paths much anymore." It was after this that Niko came over and asked for the elfs bow, Valerion handed it over with out so much as a word. He watched as Niko gave back to the snow elf, as well as her dagger and quiver of arrows. The look on her face didn't reveal much but he could tell she hated Niko; although, that being said she may hate everyone here and had even more of a reason to hate Valerion, he being moments away from ending her life last night. Just before the camp was nearly packed away and everyone getting ready to move out a call sounded over from the west, along the path they had came from Ivarstead. It was from a Altmer, by the looks of it, he was on a horse and asking if the group was called DovahFeyn, and if so, could he join them. but that wasn't the interesting part... What caught Valerions attention was that very very specific attire that he was wearing, it unmistakably being that of the Aldemri dominion, Valerion remembered the first two dominions back in the second era, filled with pompous elves that had superiority complexes, both dominions were shattered into pieces and the leaders killed, especially after the first one which caused much strife in High rock. Valerion had little doubt that the same would befall the third dominion too... within time. Taking note of the others he could easily tell that Leo and Roze were not fond of him, he had little doubt the others wouldn't be either, but at the current situation and moment in time allegiances mattered little in the face of the dragon threat, the last thing they needed to be was at each others throats. It was then that the Altmer decided to make a spectacle of himself, coming out with a line that would only be found in romance novels written by drunks. Valerion shook his head and muttered "Brilliant... a second Leonidas... just what we need." Leo caught this comment and smiled followed with a snort; saying "At least I have class about it." The time was to move out now, Kynesgrove being their destination. ---------- The journey was fairly short, with the odd discussion here and there but for the most part silence prevailed, although Valerion did notice that Rawlith and Roze were spending some time together away from the group at night, this created a slight suspicion in Valerions mind, but really he didn't care where they were doing. The high point of the journey was when they passed Witchmist grove, a place where a witch's thought to cast fireballs at them, they were quite quickly dealt with and Valerion was tempted to take a soul from one of them but he could wait to Kynesgrove as he still had a few days to go before the signs started. Kynesgrove itself was now just in front of them, the moment in which a dragon fight was nearly upon the party, and the moment where he would consume a Dragons soul... Valerion hadn't been able to sit still the past few days in anticipation, but he felt the need to start talking with the party now, and start forming some bonds, he'd need to learn their fighting styles before the dragon fight so he'd know how to best utilise them when the time arisen. "Kynesgrove" Valerion stated "We're finally here..." Turning around and looking at the group Valerion stated to them "It's about time we learnt how we all fight before we throw ourselves against the kin of Akatosh, so... who's up for a sparring session?"