Takeshi was grateful that Shu had managed to get to sleep finally, even if it didn't look like the most restful of naps. The little guy never work up during the whole event, which was nice, now they just had to wake him up. Anything serious like shaking him or picking him up might startle him, so Takeshi figured he'd just poke and prod until Shu finally woke up on his own. Giving his brother's nose a few gentle pokes he chuckled when the younger boy finally came to, ending up being startled even with his being so careful. "We're at the new city buddy, or at least we're supposed to be..." Takeshi answered, scratching his cheek as he glanced back towards the railings, "We can play later, I think we're going to meet that king guy now. I'm sure we'll have time for it though." Hm, Shu really didn't sound much better, hopefully his mood would improve after they met the King and got some playing underway. Done with sitting on such a hard bench Takeshi got up from his seat, groaning as he gave a good stretch and rubbed at his rather sore backside. It was hard to tell where this city was, and evidently he wasn't the only one struggling with that. Putting his hands on his hips he walked over to the rails, frowning as he glanced over and tried to pick out any signs of civilization. "Shu... Come here, you see anything down there?" "Uh... Where a King might live...? It looks like just a bunch of trees..." Haku mumbled, shrugging as he looked around some more, "I figured it would be like your city, but there's nothing here." The musician did know where he lived, right? It was hard to tell how old the alien was, but it might be possible the man was senile and lost. Heck, other than having an instrument on him there really was no way of knowing he was an actual musician. Glancing over at the Kaesstrian warily he let out a sigh, wondering if it might be best for someone to fly down and take a look around. Nothing could be seen from above but there was the forest floor, maybe it was just hidden. Or maybe they weren't in the right place and had to keep traveling some ways. In the grand scheme of things being a little lost was hardly the worst problem to have, but it certainly was annoying. Seeing nothing no matter how hard he looked Haku finally got fed up, turning to look at the musician toying with his lute. "Hey... We're in the right place aren't we?" he asked incredulously, "You're not leading us around are you?" "Hm...? Oh, y-yes, of course we're here! You're just not seeing it!" the musician answered, smiling nervously as he hugged his lute, "Our city is hidden, sort of. It's not like other cities, we live in the trees!" In a manner of speaking anyways, it would be much clearer once they had actually settled down and arrived. Looking over at T'charrl he moved to the front of the airship, peering down over the edge for some open land to set down on. It didn't take him long thereafter to find something, an area that used to be farm land but was now just a field some hundred meters away from where they hovered. "Over there! We can land there, and the city is nearby. No one is near there, so we shouldn't have any problems." That was being a touch optimistic as no doubt someone had noticed the flying ship by now, and kind as the King may be he wasn't going to sit by idly while something unknown hovered over his city. Guards would be coming by either any moment now or as soon as they landed, but so long as he did the talking things should work out just fine. Going to rejoin the rest of the group he smiled hopefully, gesturing in the direction of the spot. "I'll speak when we meet someone, it's best I do it. I'll introduce you though Prince, that should make them treat you kindly."