[quote=@Reaper] I'm interested. Hell, I'm [i]very[/i] interested. Quick question though: Are we allowed to vary our weapon loadouts? From what I've seen and understand, the main weaponry are held by the MAS rather than mounted on them, correct? So if the pilot were to say, want to switch from a short range, CQC auto-cannon to something with a little more range, could they? Oh, and on power usage: do systems drain power when inactive? I don't see an energy sword taking up much power when it's not being used. So, if say, there's an hour of power remaining on a MAS and the pilot needs some additional power to get back to base safely, could he choose to sacrifice power to his shields/weapons to keep the MAS moving? [/quote] Glad you're interested, in regards to your questions.. The Autocannons are not purely CQC weapons, they are typically effective at most combat ranges. However, MAS could easily mount a autocannon onto their body as well- the tradeoff would be less space for ammunition, and probably the lack of a point defense system, but you could feasibly equip your unit with a long range cannon, as well as an arm mounted autocannon or rotary cannon. As far as weapon loadouts go, yes, you an vary it as much as you want- so long as it meets the weight and power limits. If you wanted, you could just slap on a ton of missile launchers and call it a day, In regards to the power usage question.. Well, the "power" and "weight" units don't really correlate to any numerical measure of energy or weight(aside from calculating operational time), they're more arbitrary numbers designed purely for game mechanics and balancing- to prevent players from just taking the best of everything. If you want a plasma cannon, you probably won't have the power to field a tesla drive, alongside a stealth generator, super powerful shield generator [i]and[/i] an energy saber. Operational time itself represents about how long a unit can feasibly stay in a combat/high alert situation, where they'll likely have to be boosting in different directions to juke/avoid one another/missiles, or fire/use weapons, or rapidly accelerate. Your suit won't automatically shut down when your timer hits 0, but you won't have the power to make dodges, fire weapons, or do anything other than travel. [quote=@Mr Allen J] I decided that my MAS will be a sniper, that cool? [/quote] If you can make it work, go for it.