As all the TV stations changed what they were showing Hisoka pulled out her notebook. She scrawled down the exact words that Knight had said, as well as summarizing what had happened. Perfect. That would make a great article. She could image the article itself. "Ghoul Challanges CCG Inspector." All Hisoka would have to do was be there when the battle happened. If she was there she would be able to record the entire battle for a beatiful article. One in which. She could use the challange itself along with a battle. Hisoka grinned and began to humm. It was times like this when she enjoyed being a freelance writer the most. She began to question some of the people who had heard the challange. She asked them how they felt about it. What was your reaction to seeing a ghoul on TV directly issue a challange to CCG? Do you think the inspectors are going to win? Those sorts of questions. And she recorded their answers as well as as much information she could learn about them. Age, name, etc. This article was a perfect way to get information. And Hisoka was already enjoying it.