"So...let's say she had the body of an elf, the face of a human and the rack of a dwarf." "Well in which case I would have to plough her more times than you could count." This response was met with vigorous laughter from the small group of men, hunched round a small camp fire, just on the outskirts of the colony, overlooking the fields. There was a slight cling as plate slapped plate, the men's heaving stomachs being the only real noise in the desolate quiet of this new world. It was a strange contract, but a well paid one that would reap many rewards. The men hadn't been faced by too much hassle, and maintaining the borders and some police work was all they had been tasked with as of yet. Jack Sullam, Commander and Chief of the Red Coat Mercenary Company's Colonial Venture, was doing the rounds for a final time. Checking up on his posts and patrols he seemed happy with the work that had been done. Their numbers would be stretched thin is the colony expanded much further but by then he could put in a request for more men. Finally content with the security Jack decided to make his way to the mead hall. He had no plans to drink himself, it clouded his judgement, but he had to make the appearance that the company was part of the colony and not just their walls. Stepping into the crowded building he was almost suffocated by the stench of ale and smoke. It was almost too dark and rancid to maneuver in, though as his eyes adjusted he finally made his way through the labyrinth of people. Making his way to the head of the hall he stood, close enough to the governor so his presence was known but far enough away so as not to instigate any problems with the governors own guards. A strange decision to send them, the company had been clear on working with the colony. It was bad business to hold anything ulterior over an employer.