Rareth was going through her wine more quickly than the others. Her actions and overall attitude were completely relaxed, something she hoped would rub off everyone else. The wine was of moderate strength, so she knew about how much she could handle. Although, for the somewhat smaller bodies of the Masulu, she assumed it would not take as much to intoxicate them. To Shiva's question, Rareth shrugged her shoulders before taking another drink. "I wouldn't know, I've never been in the military. The Rahn'Masser aren't exactly normal civilians, but we're not military either. We're sort of...separate from almost all Rothian governmental structures. The only entity we truly answer to are the Rahn'Saki themselves. Telmeck can tell you more about the military side of things, but when I am off duty, I can just kind of...go home, or on a vacation. Of course, I can be recalled at any time, but incidents that require my attention are not incredibly common. Around my home, though, there is plenty to do; more than I can list off the top of my head. Threria calls itself the entertainment capital of Rothia, though there are one or two cities that might dispute that claim. Some kinds of entertainment were developed on Rothia, and many more were imported in. One place I rather like, Tyri'Upva, is a sort of theater and casino. They have an entire underground complex where they can put on massive shows, holographic or live, that can literally put you in the middle of the action. And, of course, they have a myriad of games for you to lose your money. That is a popular spot, but there are plenty of lesser-known attractions. There is an amusement park and casino with rides that actually go well-beyond the city. They are some of the fastest and most exciting on the planet. Oh, and there's a restaurant and casino in a building just across from my apartment that I frequent which imports food from all corners of galactic civilization. I actually know the owner of that one; he's an...interesting individual. A bit eccentric, but friendly."