Meesei waited in complete silence as she allowed the traitor to consider her offer. As much as she wanted to make sure the traitor was punished, it was best for the clan if the situation was resolved as soon as possible. Therefore, she was honest in her offer. As an exile, the traitor could no longer cause harm to the clan, or at least, not from within. However, after a short time, it became clear that the traitor was not willing to step forward, so Meesei uncrossed her arms and stepped forward closer to the center of the room. "Very well." Meesei said, her tone firm and disappointing. "If you do not wish to admit to the betrayal in front of the others, you may approach me any time before the end of tomorrow. Until then, the offer stands, and you will be allowed to leave unharmed. However, after that point, your fate is sealed. Now, as for right now, I acknowledge that the day has been long, and stressful. There is more I need to do before I can question you further, but since I cannot do them until tomorrow, then we are done for today. We can all retire for the night and get as much rest as we can. First thing tomorrow, I am going to need enough coin for one of my pack to head to Bruma for food, so as to eliminate the possibility of another poisoning. I will not stop you from eating what is already here, but you do so at your own risk. Also, to prevent harm from coming to any of you, or my own pack, we should all sleep in the same room. I can have one of my pack up as a lookout at all times to ensure the traitor is unable to enact any plans in the night. Tomorrow, you will need to go about your duties as close to normally as possible. We need to be careful not to cause any alarm among the clan as a whole. According to Jerrick's warning, it is divisive chaos among the clan that will threaten to tear it apart. If you are wondering what you can do to help in all of this, that is it: preserving the peace, keeping the confidence of the clan. I need your cooperation. One of you is a traitor, but the rest of us are all on the same side. Ideally, the clan should not know of Jerrick's death until after the full moons have passed. I will not directly lie to the clan, but word will get around that he is away on important business. Do whatever you can to avoid contradicting that rumor. If it becomes necessary to tell the clan before the full moons, then be sure not to indicate that any of you are suspects. If the people do not think we are divided, then they will not be divided either. Now, are there any questions before we retire for the night?" Meesei did not want to reveal too much of her plans to the lieutenants, but there was no way they could be successful without their cooperation. As well, if the traitor wanted to reveal the truth to the clan, they would have to take a heavy risk of exposing themselves.