[B]Mist Mythrill[/B] – In the Jungle of Fangs Mist was lying in a tree, one of the very few tree’s that that were able to support a dragons weight and size. From this perch of hers she could see her claimed land, land that she would fend of opponents if she has to. Mist was quite a knowledgeable dragon. She could tell if a wound was going to get infected or if a wound was going to kill you, but was also sweet kind and gentle to those that give her the respect she deserves. Mist then decided to clean her nice pristine scales and feathers, before she goes for a routine fight around the Jungle of Fangs making sure that no intruders were sneaking in and was watching her prey. Mist was making sure she knew where her prey moved to as she was going to hunt later and she would need to remember the route in which they take.