Ann watched with a vague suspicion as the Owlman reached into his jacket, that same lethargic approach being conducted in his movement. It was a complete mystery to what he was withdrawing from within that jacket. Ariadne looked a bit tense as she watched the Owlman, too. Some anger was expressed but nothing beyond what was considered normal. If the Owlman was dangerous, Ariadne would be ready to make the switch, to protect Ann. But it wasn't something threatening. It was a little book, bound by spiral ring and a pressed owl on the cover. Ann relaxed and Ariadne went back to lying about the grass, trying to pluck a single blade but to no avail. Ann leaned in a bit and trying to figure out what was within the little book. Pictures of owls and.. they had word bubbles and inside they had... phrases! Ann became the giddy girl this time as she giggled like a school girl at the Owlman's card. It truly was just a sight to see and she had really hoped that he wasn't getting offended by her giggling. Getting herself under control, she nodded and doffed her own imaginary hat. "Good morning!" She answered enthusiastically. "It is very nice to meet you, Owlman!" Ann glanced over to Ariadne, and witnessed her ghostly twin successfully pluck one blade of grass from the ground. The grass blade would appear to hover a bit and fly wildly, seemingly like a wind gust, before being released and falling to the ground. She even seemed to lighten up a bit and presented a plain face. Ann turned back to Owlman and she picked up the conversation, seeing as Owlman had limited verbal utility for a conversation. "My name is..." She paused and thought about it her own introduction. She probably shouldn't use her real name, seeing as Owlman is unlikely to be a real name as well. "You can call me, Casper, and... I'm.. no superhero but it is very cool to meet one!" She said, trying to keep up her enthusiasm.