[b][u]Zac[/u][/b] Zac met the tall boy's hand with his own, shaking it firmly as he smiled up at him. "Don't worry about it, I'm happy to help. I'm Zac. Nice to meet you Jack." He dropped his hand back to his side and turned when the door to the office opened. He nodded to Jack before walking in. After a few minutes he came back out with a small folder, containing his schedule, a map and a few other necessities. He smiled at Jack, nodding at him. "You can go in now. I'll see you around." Zac walked off, looking at his map. His first class was English. He would be late, but he thought he might as well show up. He walked into class, looking around slightly nervously, but relaxed quite a bit when he saw Evelyn and Dexter. "Sorry I'm late." He said, looking at the teacher. "I'm new here, only just got signed in." He then walked over and sat in the seat beside Dex. "Hey." He said quietly with a slight smile as he got a book out of his bag for class. [u][b]Rin[/b][/u] Rin giggled softly at Ev's words, nodding. "I don't like the Drake Sword either. It's stupid! But I do lose aaaaaall the time. Hey! You should totally teach me how to get better." She said excitedly with rapid nods of her head. She then looked over at the drawing of the other girl, smiling. "That's really nice!" Then, when Ev got her drawing out and showed Vic, Rin poked her shoulder gently. "Can I see? Please?" She asked with a cute smile. Rin got distracted as she asked to see Ev's drawing by the boy in the gas mask. Her eyes widened as she twisted around to stare at the boy, curious. "Umm... Why are you wearing a gas mask? And why would you try to kill it? And why are the sharp pointy things poking out of your mask?"