[color=ed1c24]Lara nodded knowingly. She too was unhappy with the pretty blonde's choice to stay. She was blinded by love so much that she would even leave her friends behind for it. It had hurt Lara too. "Let's just make an agreement to not kill her unless we have to."[/color] [color=fff200]Andrea took the pole from Milton, directing her attention to the walker. It stumbled around, completely unaware of their presence. She got its attention. It charged at her in the traditional zombie chase stance with its arms stretched out in front of it and its mouth hanging open. She held the pole out in front of her so that the walker would inevitably hook itself in. Within a few minutes, it did and she began dragging it back to town. "C'mon, Doc. We got your walker." She walked past him without looking at him.[/color]