[b][u]“I win at life. Enough said.”[/u][/b] Name: Hajime Itosu Character Image: [img] http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/238/5/5/muscle_man_kun_by_ierilly-d5cgiqr.jpg[/img] Cliché: [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ArrogantKungFuGuy]Arrogant Kung Fu Guy[/url] [b]“Arrogant infers I’m wrong. I’m not wrong, I’m just awesome.”[/b] Age: 19 Gender: Male [b]“But not just a man, I’m THE man!”[/b] Personality: -Hajime’s is the ego that will pierce the heavens. He is so certain of his superiority in his chosen lifestyle he sometimes believes that the gods gave him a mandate to engage in martial arts. [b]“It’s true. How else could anyone explain my brilliance?”[/b] -Hajime NEVER misses an opportunity to talk about how great he is. If he can work something about his skills into a conversation, he will. Without fail. [b]“Especially since failure is a foreign concept to me. I’m just that great.”[/b] -Hajime is also a religious exerciser, and trains in every spare moment he has. [b]“I don’t actually need to do this, but I do it anyway. Because I can.” [/b] -Of course, Hajime’s super powered ego actually stems from a long life of parental and social pressure and a crippling desire to be recognised as the greatest. You should feel sorry for him. [b]“But don’t. I’m awesome, and you should envy me. This has nothing to do with the fact my dad told me the day people start pitying me is the day I’ve failed as a human being.”[/b] -And deep down below all the ego and the bragging and braying, Hajime is really a nice guy with a heart of gold. Really deep down. Really. Honest. [b]“I’ve always been a nice guy. Surely it’s only the decent thing to do to make sure everyone understands that I’m so great?”[/b] Abilities: -Superhuman physical feats: Due to his excessive training, Hajime has surpassed regular human strength and endurance. He can punch holes in solid walls and leap great distances. [b]“All in a day’s work.”[/b] -Shockwave attacks: As part of his superhuman feats, Hajime can cause shockwaves with his attacks that act as improvised ranged attacks. (Think [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhdtFpUmmgU]Demong Fang[/url] from the Tales series, just without a sword) [b]“Don’t tell me it’s not physically possible! My awesomeness transcends human limitations!”[/b]