The Plague Terminator, Lord Ligarius was the next to respond, his voice heavily distorted and disturbing from the ravages of the diseases festering inside him. His voice was deep, yet menacing, and his wounds festered. Blood poured from various orifices, as did pus and other instruments of the Plague Lord. It took barely a glance to recognize whom he sided with; as he was firmly, and devoutly a follower of Nurgle. In his six centuries however, six centuries of wars, petty squabbles, and service furthering Grandfather Nurgle's cause, he had never met the Dark Apostle, nor had he ever set foot in the ship he now stood on. Having heard of tales about the Chaplain Erebus, he was at once honored to meet such an early follower of Chaos itself. However, just because he was honored, did not mean he bowed prostrate or even acknowledged the Dark Apostle, save for a reverent tilt of his head. When the man finished speaking, he turned his head to the Great Unclean Ones who always guided him, always appeared to him, even if the others never saw them;He turned and spoke to them. "[i][b]Great Unclean Ones, you have heard the Chaplain Erebus speak. I would heed your advice, if you give it.[/b][/i]" "[i]Follow him. Serve the Cause of Nurgle, and rip out the False Emperor's heart![/i]" Grimegal was the first to speak, the most enthusiastic of the three. "[i]Mmm, if it fits the cause, why not serve?[/i]" Bleaz, the second spoke, always the more apathetic of the bunch. "[i]Rip the head off of the False Emperor, and claim it in the name of Grandfather Nurgle! Spread virulent disease across holy Terra and make the people cry out to the Grandfather for salvation only HE can provide![/i]" Zaeleaz said, the most violent of the three, and the one to hold the most sway over the Plague Terminator. Their piece said, their voices faded into the background, and the Plague Terminator raised his head and raised his mace above his head. When he spoke, his deep voice boomed off of the walls, resounding with a kind of devotion only found within the forces of the Plague God. "[i][b]Dark Chaplain Erebus! We, the Forces of the Plague God, will carve straight to holy Terra, and rip the head from the body, spreading disease to a dying empire. It will be done.[/b][/i]"