[center][u][b]Ivan Oakley - Armory->PE[/b][/u][/center] Ivan had spent much of the rest of the class doing small-scale adjustments and cleaning out the fine Dust buildup along the barrel and cylinder of his weapon. [i]Detention. That was... new. It [b]would[/b] help work out differences via hard work. Always a bright side of things.[/i] He was lost in thought as the bell rang, the loud sound starling him into action. He quickly collected his things, bowed stiffly to the professor, and took off out the door back toward his locker. He made quick time at his jogging pace, overtaking a few of the more prepared students who didn't have to hurry to their next class. Ivan reached his locker with time to spare, quickly glancing around as he stuffed his weapons and over-clothes into the locker to make sure that he wasn't going to suddenly assault the eyes of anyone with his shirtless form. As much as his regular clothes served him well in battle, they weren't the most comfortable when he would doing his usual strenuous workout routine. Sweat was always an unpleasant side effect and he'd washed the shirt only a day prior. Instead, he pulled on a tight fitting, cream colored shirt, some darkly colored shorts, and a pair of expensive running shoes in an effort to expose enough skin to cool off as he exercised. After a simple once-over to confirm that no tags were hanging out or that he hadn't selected one of the shirts with bloodstains on it, Ivan jogged over to the PE area in time to catch Aurellius' comment about the multitude of women that had shown up for the class. The gunslinger opened his mouth to say something in response to the blonde fellow's statement, glanced at the assembled women for a moment, thought about it for a fraction of a second, and then promptly closed his mouth again. The last class had already been an experiment in tolerance, and he'd be damned if [i]another[/i] fight broke out because some prick had issues with what he said. Instead, he made past the assembled figures to a place where he began his own stretching warm-up.