'Rhys Errol - Day 737' "....I think", Rhys mumbled to himself staring at the words written in front of him, "Oh why didn't I start on the day I left," He yelled angrily at himself. "Nevermind. Day 737. It's a nice day and I'm still walking to a new village. I met a horse this morning, he tried to eat my paper...." he trailed trying to think what else to write. "I need new shoes?" He said aloud debating whether to write it in or not. "I...I...", he stopped and looked up, his eyes widened but quickly darted down to the paper to write: "I have finally made it to the new town, it's within my sights and it only took my 2 days to get here, by foot." He finished proud of himself. Rhys stopped and placed his entry into his bag before continuing on. Before Rhys knew it he had finally made it to the new village. "Crosshaven," Rhys said and fumbled with his bag to get his entry out to write the name down. Shoving it back into his back as quickly but gently as possible he walked further into the village looking for the nearest watering hole. Rhys was parched, he'd been travelling for 2 days and his water supply had ended early this morning. Rhys wandered the small village knowing soon he should find some place to stop but feeling tired he sat down unable to walk another step.