[h3](NPC) Grandmother Fey[/h3] She giggles like a little girl as she appears into the office. She looks into the hallways through the security cameras and sees that a few of the students are getting along, such as Belle and Gretel. But a few of the others... such as Kovu and Beast, were not as much. She then notices that there has been a mistake in the roommate arrangement. She frowns and twirls her fingers, moving some of the names around on the plaques. She then presses her fingers to her throat and her voice comes over the intercom. "Students, my dearest apologizes, but if you would check the plaques with your names on them to make sure that you are at the correct room, that would be most helpful. We seem to have a miscommunication with the rooming arrangements. A few of you will be shifted around. Ta-ta!" She takes her fingers off her throat and watches diligently through the security cameras.