He watched silently as she read the small card. No matter what his intent his eyes were those of a apex predator, and eyes like that didn't miss much. Every detail they took in was one more advantage over the thing in front of them. Like most every other power he'd gained it wasn't something that could just be turned off. So he saw, and he saw many things. The rips in her clothes and the grease in her hair. The pallor of her skin and the bags under her eyes. The slight surprise as her eyes swept across the word [i](Superhero)[/i] and the child-like joy as the whole concept of the book hit her. He bowed slightly, tipping his very real hat at her greeting. Casper. An assumed name, judging by the way she had hesitated. He wouldn't have inquired even if he could, god knows she probably had a better reason than him for keeping her name a secret. A young girl, looking like she did, going by an assumed name? There were only a few scenarios that that information called to mind and none of them were good. Was this girl in some sort of trouble? He considered inviting her back to the Council building, and then seeing where they could go from there with regards to getting her some help, but he dismissed this quickly. If she was being pursued an invitation like that might just scare her off. That was something you had to build to. Besides, he didn't even know if she was in trouble. His first order of business should be getting her to open up. The only thing was deciding which questions to ask, but that was pretty obvious. He liked to think, more for his distinctive profile than anything, that he was pretty well known in L.A. This girl hadn't known he was a superhero when she sat down, which meant that she was probably from out of town. The first question, then, should be... He took his book back into the palm of his hand and flipped through to the section right after greetings. The card he held up this time had another incredibly realistic depiction of an owl, except this one was holding a bindle over its shoulder. This owl was saying: [center][b]Where are you from?[/b] [i]-The Owlman (Superhero)[/i][/center]