[h2]Matisuki Kiryuin - Cedar Town[/h2] Matisuki continues to charge through the demon's, almost totally unaware of the nightmares that affect the rest of his guild members. It seems as if nothing could stop him... until Matisuki stopped dead in his tracks. Just several feet away from him, with his vision going blurry, he sees his father standing motionlessly. He couldn't believe his own eyes. How could he be alive? He looks so real, so pure, just as he remembers him from long ago. Matisuki begins slowly walking towards his father mesmerized, blocking out any demon that tries to get ahold of him. Suddenly, without warning, a giant demon forms out of the black fog and roars at Matisuki. It looked exactly like the one he and his father fought so many years ago... when they were partners. Yet this was the same demon... that killed Matisuki's father. A horrified reaction run downs the warrior's face as his soul runs cold with fear. "Father!" he calls out as he begins running towards him with all of his fight, transforming his fists into Kaijrian fists. Yet alas, the demon's fist crushes down on the old nobleman as blood splatters across the floor, some landing on Matisuki's face. The warrior's face begins to tremble as he looks upon the remains of his father. Then with a violent outburst he leaps in order to punch the demon in the face, only to punch nothing but smoke and dust. This was nothing more... than a nightmare. Matisuki was already on the verge of breaking down, realizing that he was fooled by his own memories. Yet he remembers the rest of his path... he overcame that horrible memory and brought honor towards his father. He would be proud to see him as a strong S-Class warrior. As demon's began to swarm around him, Matisuki's emotions turned from grief into what he would call 'honorable anger.' With another violent roar, he manages to smash the demons around him and tries to find the demons responsible for this deception. More demons try to push him back, but seemed to fail as he pushed them right off. He was PISSED. And he will smash the ones responsible!