Anyone want an unfinished CS to use and finish? [h3]App:[/h3] [img][/img] [b]Name of nation:[/b] The Orrors Templares [/b]Species:[/b] [url=]The Tarviant Order[/url] Highly esteemed in Orrors society, the Tarviant Order is made of natives from Tarvia, hence their name. Bold, willing and trustful, they were the founders of this great Order. Standing six foot tall, slim and agile, they are warriors in every right. The Tarviant lifespan is quite average for such a race, 100 years to be exact. They are quick to adapt and recruit at a very young age. They are Spartan like in concept, killing the weak to hold the strong. To discipline whenever possible, the slightest flinch or groan and they will get 10 strikes with a baton. Their body structure is quite.... strange. They have very high bone density, especially in the ribs but they are also extremely light. If one was to pick up a Tarviant without his armour on, they would be surprised as they weigh like a feather. Their genders are also very strange. The way it works is that females will almost never see the outside worlds, protected in huge monasteries. The female is hold almost sacred in Tarviant society, so their protection is outmost important. Unfortunately for the Tarviant Order, the male birth rates are declining, meaning less troops for the Orrors. The High Leaders still refuse to send women into battle, they are to be protected and defended, not used as soldiers in the front line. The Tarviant Templars have also noticed strange behaviour in the Tarviant females they are protecting. They have grown..... almost scheming. It is heresy to think of these thoughts but the Templars give a close eye. [url=]Te Chi[/url] These 7 foot Giants are the second race to come into the Orrors. They are natives of Ching V, of the Tarlinius system. Ching V was a very harsh planet, the thin air and the huge sand dunes that covered it did not make it of the most hospitable ones. Te Chi developed a very strange face mask because of this, their heads almost seeming like helmets. Their skin is hard, almost rubbery, and their supposed "exposed" insides did not help their look. They are a silent race, almost never communicates with speech and when they do.... it is like music to the ears. A lyrical flow of words that appeals and makes you almost fall in love with it. Only their kin, trusted ones and male or female's [i]Kei Ling[/i] have heard this beautiful speech. Other than that, Te Chi communicate through a series of hand signals and body movement to show their intent. They also have a weird bonding mechanism, called [i]Kei Ling[/i]. When they their [i]Kei Ling[/i], they will protect, love and defend this lucky sentient until the end of one of their lives. Te Chi live very long lives, 500 years is not something to laugh about. Most of their race are bold and trustworthy, if you become ones friend, they will defend you and be your silent guardian. Te Chi are also very cruel and quick to anger, one of the few negatives they got from such a cruel world. They try to hold it in though. Te Chi have ever since meshed into the Orrors, silent and worthy. [url=]Nar[/url] The third and final race to come into the Orrors, the Nar have proven themselves worthy of the Templar. They hail from Tak'Yo III, of the Jap system. Tak'Yo III is not barren but nor is it a paradise, it is an ore world. Filled with metal and riches beyond desire, this world is a miners dream. Gold, jewels, metal and other mysteries are hidden behind this rock. The local wildlife have adapted to this otherwise harsh environment. The Nar have developed a metal Exoskeleton that covers their whole body, tough and flexible. Due to their metal exoskeleton, they are very heavy and hard to carry. The Nar had a very tribal society before joining the Orrors, warring over edible food and such. They are also very guilty for what they have done in the past. The Purge is an event that changed Nar society forever. A race before the Orrors came to Tak'Yo III and performed xenocide to the Nar. They killed in the millions, searching every home and every land to collect Nar body mass. They died to the heavy metal atmosphere, after killing 189 million Nar and mentally scarring the rest. This has made the Nar humble and very wary of others. Other than that, the Nar have developed a kinship with the other two races in the Orrors, after they got over their xenophobic ways. They have since joined the Orrors and fought, bled and died in the name of the Templar. For the Great Crusade. [/b]Description of government:[/b] The Orrors government is like a Troika Monarchy. There are the Three High Templars of the Orrors that rule over the land, make the big decisions, make the rules and regulations, etc. They also are the generals of the Orrors Templares and rule over the military and their resources. These three High Templars are a representative of every race and can only be replaced by his or her's choice of a successor. Civil war can work as well. Though bloody and ruthless. Every time a High Templar dies, in battle or otherwise, and they haven't chosen a successor yet, three Blood Trials shall begin. Every Templar, Crusader General to lowliest Squire, can participate and fight in three arenas filled with death and traps. Whoever wins each arena get assessed by the other two High Templars. They will be given an army of new Squires and must claim more territory for the Orrors, without pissing anyone else off. Whoever gets the most territory wins, the other two will either be promoted or stay as a Crusader General. [b]Description of military:[/b] The Orrors strategum is set in vicious melee fights, orderly tactical retreats and then killing the enemy off in a trap somewhere. Crusader Generals would usually hammer the enemy with strafe runs and the likes before ordering the fighters to land in the middle of the enemy position, and kick the ever loving shit out of them with numerous melee weapons. They would then retreat slowly, as to bait the rest of the army, and then kill them in a trap. This is not the olden days. This is the Modern Orrors Templares. Other strategies are to charge in with vicious speed and lunacy into the enemy hordes, catching them by surprise, shitting in their water supply and covering their base with fire and other such creative things. In space is where they truly stand out however. The Orrors have no capital ships. None. They fight with agile and manoeuvrable fighters, each containing a Templar. Every single Templar is taught how to fight in, maintain, repair and destroy their respective fighters. That is why there are many different types of fighters in the Orrors Navy. They value speed and stopping power above all else. This combined arms strategy is quite effective in space and the "scary" capital ships of other nations can't really use their big guns against small opponents. [i]Handheld Weapons and Infantry Armour[/i] [url=]The Gladius Sword[/url] is the standard melee weapon of the Orrors Templares Military. Rugged, reliable and the longevity of a Millenia, it has served the Orrors since the day of it's founding, almost 500 years ago. Made from the golden metal called Sigma which is commonly found in vast asteroid fields and ore planets. You sharpen a refined piece of this metal and it will become the sharpest, lightest and reliable blade in Orrors history. [url=]The Tar'Kut Scythe Weapon[/url] is the trophy weapon of every high ranking officer in the Orrors Templares Military. Given to them when they reach Templar Officer or Flag Bearer, this weapon is not only ornamental. Made from the same metallurgy of a fighter's armour, this weapon is kept and treated as a trophy by most officers but still use it in battle. In kills most in one swipe and is dangerous in the melee that most Templars enjoy. [url=,+German.png]Mark V Arcane Musket[/url] is the standard mass effect weapon in the Orrors. Made up of Talyon metal and the simplest firing mechanism known to the Orrors, this weapon is pretty much space Ak-47. You can throw it into the mud, throw it off a cliff and it'll still be working. The Musket sounds a bit more powerful and kicks quite a bit more than standard ballistics guns. It also have a very small, factory inside of the gun, capable of making the bullets for the gun at a very fast rate. The bullets are quite small though, and most bullets are shaped round, not the shape modern ballistics use. [url=]Mark III Shotgun[/url] is another standard weapon in the Orrors Arsenal and is absolutely ruthless. Far from the unlimited ammo of Mass Effect guns, these double barrelled shotguns use junpowder, a highly explosive, highly poisonous powder that is extremely powerful. This is the shotgun equivalent of a RPG. It doesn't have the benefit of unlimited ammo though, and is limited to two shots. [url=]Mark II Portable Gatling Gun[/url] is pretty much hell on earth for the enemy. With the factories, Junpowder covered bullets and a rate of fire that is second to none, this is literal death in your hands. It is very heavy and can only be carried by Heavy Templars but is extremely brutal and effective on the battlefield. This supposed bygone weapon is still used to this day. For this is a handheld weapon of mass destruction. [url=]Crusader-pattern Squire Armour[/url] is the most basic type of armour and is only given to Squires. It is quite cheap, plating armour isn't very hard to make these days. The metallurgy in this armour is very simple and the protection barriers are also very simple. They are dubbed as "Scrap Armour" by all Templars. Technological Overview: Cultural Overview: History: Other: