Allen walked towards the castle frustratingly tying his tie. He hated wearing shirts for some odd reason. They just didn't fill right to him. A cloak would do ,but what type of royalty shows up to a dance wearing a cloak. He exhaled heavily getting closer and closer to the entrance. Allen was wearing a tuxedo with a white shirt and a cyan colored tie. On his back was his most prised position , his sword. It was sheath on his back. He knows he won't be able to get in with a weapon so he prepared a lie. Saying its an important treasure to his family and should be always worn on special occasions. Allen was quite proud of his lie and was sticking with it no matter what. He made it to the entrance and told the gaurd his lie and successfully made it through. He clearly looked liked he didn't belong but he couldn't help it. To keep anymore eyes off of him he hovered over the bar and order a drink. He sat there looking into the crowd taking a sip of his beverage thinking of a good reason for why the hell he was there in the first place.