Robert exited from the Grimm Studies class, thinking on three questions he had. One, why didn't he get picked? Was it because the teacher didn't think him ready? Was it some other reason he couldn't think of? Robert was pretty sure he was the third person to raise his hand. So why wasn't he picked? Second, why was Greyson staring so much at Priscilla that the teacher had to call him out on it? Robert still hadn't put two and two together and continued onto his third thought. Finally, why was that one guy from team MODA go and basically butcher that Sitting Bull? Sure it was a Grimm, but everything about the battle seemed over-the-top brutal. Watching the Sitting Bull get stabbed repeatedly made Robert feel... uneasy. He was sure that if he seen it in a movie or something he would have greatly enjoyed it, thinking it awesome and cool. Seeing it in person, knowing it was real and not just CGI or a costume was different though. Robert physically shook his head as if doing so would some how make the image of the dying Sitting Bull leave his mind. He looked up to see Priscilla walking in the same direction of the Practice class, and couldn't help but feel excited that he got another class to spend with her. Robert thought back on why he had chosen the classes he did as he caught up to Priscilla. He had chosen Grimm Studies over Armory because he had figured that finding and exploiting a Grimm's weaknesses fit much more with his fighting style than blasting away indiscriminately. He didn't choose P.E. because he hated any exercise that didn't actually provide any benefit beyond just the basic benefits of exercise. So that left Practice and Survival, which he finally decided that having better combat skills would be better than knowing how to survive in the outdoors. Then, there was Language, Computer Science, or Music. This had been the easiest choice so far. Robert knew nothing more than the basics of computers and he knew far less about Music. So that left Language. Finally, there were the extra classes, which Robert wanted no part of. Six periods were enough for him. When Robert reached where the Practice class would be taught, he couldn't help but think that this would be a lot harder than he had initially thought. "Ah, this looks like fun," he said sarcastically. As he gave the area a second look though, noticing now the obstacle courses, firing range, etc., he decided to give the class a second chance. "Actually, this doesn't look half-bad."