So this a new Profile, This is my third profile for Roleplayer Guild. Not like I have 3 total that I flit between, but more as in I've used Roleplayer Guild since I was like 14 and I'm 19 now and I'll go through dry patches where all of my creativeness goes kaput so I stop roleplaying for 6 months up to a year. And well I can never remember the email and passwords for my old accounts so I make new ones each time, plus if my calculations are correct I would have needed to make a new one this time anyway since it's been like a year and half since I used this site and it seems to have been completely redone..But anyhow If anybody remembers ToxicDollie or RavenDawn, yeah that was me. I wasn't popular but I was mainly known for my recurring RP Cirque de L'enfer a.k.a The Circus Of Hell. Also for my gritty, realistic, Slice Of Life RP's. But I'll quit rambling, I'm glad to be back and am thinking of starting something up, I'll need help though since I'm a bit rusty at GMing xD. I'll be in the interest checks ^_^. Toodles.