Nick began listening as the bear boy took off his hat and gloves, but Nick didn't reveal that he already knew what was under them. First impressions count for a lot, after all, and ignoring their presence gave off a bad one, without adding the fact that he can see through walls and stuff. He didn't really want to be called a creepy guy, but if they knew, he wouldn't blame them for thinking that. As Nick listened to the bear-boy's speech, he poured milk onto his cornflakes, and then spread some sugar onto it. Still attentive, he started taking spoonfuls of cornflakes while listening to the boy's story. Nick began to think. The bear boy had mentioned some stuff that made think about people like Nick. And Pam, the bear boy, and the girl eating bacon. He'd only arrived at Riverwood 2 days ago, but he'd met a lot of different people of different stages of life, as well as some 'weird' stuff he'd never known. When Nick awakened his 'power', he thought that it was a good thing. It was useful, at the very least, to navigate his life without trouble. But on arriving at the academy, he met more people who were 'different'. It was clear that their new 'powers' were a gift to some, and to others like the bear boy, they were a curse. Nick kind of knew what bear boy went through, though. Nick's powers, while useful, were strange nonetheless, and if anythinng, people talked to him a little less when he had them. He noticed that, in the brief period he'd had them. He noticed that people feared strange things. It must've been a lot worse for people with... physical manifestations, such as the bear handed boy who'd been talking to Nick and Pam. Nick ate another spoonful of cornflakes as the bear boy finished. He crunched thoughtfully in the silence that followed, thinking of what to say. "You know, I get where you're coming from." Nick said tentatively. "You've probably heard it a lot, and I probably don't really know where you're coming from, but I think I get it a little bit." Yes, he did understand. One of the things he'd taken for granted when he had his sight was companionship. He thought that his life would always be the same, and when the accident happened, suddenly things weren't. "The isolation was bad, and the silence almost killed me." Nick said contemplatively. "But hey, I'm not afraid of me. And there are good people here." That statement was aimed at Pam, whether she noticed or not. She was his first friend in Riverwood so far, and he was glad to have her around. He liked friends, he liked companionship. One thing that people take for granted was the light and the noise. With the light gone, the noise stopped, and Nick's world had been painfully empty. Maybe he would find something to fill the gaps here in Riverwood, one step at a time. "With that in mind, let's be friends!" Nick said suddenly, grinning. "My name's Nick. What's yours?"