Ishin raised an eyebrow as Chou sidled over behind him. It was the place he most often found her if he wasn't too conscious of his surroundings. He unconsciously ruffled her hair as she settled in to position as The Boy showed his kagune. Ishin smiled "a full Koukaku" and nodded before his own Koukaku rippled over his arms "you are a defensive type then? I find Kagunes reflect a ghoul..." he said softly as his Kagune rippled back into the skin. Chou tugged at his sleeve, bringing his attention to the sound of Knight outside. Ishin sighed...he had to deal with the boy first. "I can help you learn to defend yourself against Doves and other Ghouls that'd seek to harm you" Ishin had this speech memorized, it was given to each ghoul under his care "in return...I expect obedience and adherence to my rules and to the grand mask we wear to hide from those that wish to purge us from the have sanctuary here for a short time if you wish to refuse." With that Ishin left, allowing the boy to mull over his decision "Totsu-Chan..." Ishin said, calling Chou by her pet name "stay with the boy for now....I need to go clean things up it seems" Ishin gave a short sharp growl as he turned on a heel and retired to his own apartment. A parcel left at his door was his final push to go out and clean his streets. The final part of his new helmet. He grinned gently as he pulled on his combat gear; a dark leather coat, black jeans, black combat boots and his trademark crimson bandage left hanging out like a scarf. Slipping the blackened metal helmet under his arm he tested the faceplate. His own liquid RC cells ignited causing stained glass pattern colours to bubble and coalesce over the plate. Savage was reborn. Ishin left his building through a window and launched into the air, climbing up the side of the building with ease. The sound of screaming drew him to the scene Knight was making. Crouched low on a building rooftop, Ishin watched and waited.