Monster Name/john doe Other Names/ ET,Alien,That big black scorpionish thing that kills people and stuff, Alien, unintelligible screaming Monster type/ Alien Appearance/ He is a big black Scorpionish thing with a Big tail that is extremely sharp and has a Point at the end, he is also jet black in color and has Black scales all over him, He also has a Big long turning head, Hes basically Alien from Alien, Also hes as high as a normal human, and has regular limbs but he has hands with claws, making it hard for him to do anything good with it Personality/ John doe is a Misunderstood creature, He has some Severe voice problems at times making his voice sound like a Angry hiss, this often scares people away but really, John doe is a nice person. once you get past the whole Alien thing, He is also a extreme fan of the Super bowl, anime, game of thrones, pretty much every TV show and you'll Often find him on a couch watching TV with a beer in his right hand He also loves hugging people, however this usually ends horribly, usually with someone having a heart attack Bio/ John doe was born in the depths of space on some kind of Space ship, the Crew of the Ship found some kind of weird Alien Egg on a station that hatched a face hugger and Gave the mechanic a face full of alien wig wong Impregnating him with John doe, John doe then Burst straight out of the poor mechanics body while everyone was having dinner, Everyone was scared so he ran off, He then Attempted to make up for the whole "bursting out of the mechanics body like some kind of Anti-abortion PSA" So he tried to hug one of the people who went out to search for the captains Cat, However the man panicked and had a heart attack, So john doe went into the Vent to cry himself to sleep and some dude with a flame thrower came running after him, so he went to give him a Hug but he too, had a heart attack, Eventually the three remaining crew attempted to blow up the ship along with the alien So he went there and attempted to hug a dude with a gun, the dude had a heart attack YET AGAIN and shot the scared chick, So John doe went onto the little escape ship and the final crew member, Ripley Kicked him out of a airlock when he Attempted to apologize for the deaths of her crew, So then John doe flown through space, long and long until he landed on earth. right in the middle of a castle during a party Other/ Yeah hes the alien from Alien